Thank you for your interest in Heid
Custom Builders and the opportunity to assist you with your upcoming remodeling project. Below is some additional information
about me and Heid Custom Builders.
I have been in the construction
industry in the Vail Valley for over 30 years. Heid Custom Builders is a full-service remodeling company whose main
goal is to achieve the highest level of quality, integrity and professionalism in our industry in all aspects of craftsmanship,
management and customer service. We strive to satisfy clients by delivering high quality construction, while at the
same time completing your project on time and on budget. Our goal is to exceed our client’s expectations!
We pride ourselves in offering the freshest ideas together with cutting edge technology in new products
and services to meet the lifestyles of today and the future. The following are just a few of the areas in which we specialize:
-Innovative kitchens and baths:
with the latest in fine cabinetry, counter-tops, fixtures and appliances.
existing finishes: floors, doors, millwork, and ceilings
exterior finishes: multifamily, townhomes, and single family residences
-Network wiring for home automation: office, entertainment, and security
-Building additions: interior and exterior, bedrooms, bathrooms,
lofts, decks, patios
-Professional remodeling consulting and management:
including assessment, evaluation, and consulting on interior, exterior and non-structural issues
You may contact me at all times on my Cell Phone (970) 390-2674 or in
my Office (970) 926-3808. I look forward to speaking with you and the opportunity to assist you with your upcoming remodeling
Rik Heid